Useful links


Antconc concordancer,


centerNet, An international network of digital humanities centers,

Centre Européen des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - Humanités Numériques, 

Corpus Thomisticum, Index Thomisticus,

Digital Humanities Projects at Oxford,

Digital Humanities Projects at Stanford,

Digital Humanities Quarterly(DHQ),

Digital Studies / Le champ numérique,

DSH or Digital Scholarship in the Humanities

European Association for Digital Humanities,

Google Books Ngram Viewer,

Journal of Digital Humanities (2012-2015).

Jstor Analyze,

Mallet, a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing,

Natural Language Toolkit-NLTK,

Overview, Open-Source Document Mining,

Populismus, AUTh,

Sketch Engine,

TAPOR, a gateway to the tools used in sophisticated text analysis and retrieval.

TEI by example,

TEI Initiative,

Tesserae, a web interface for exploring intertextual latin parallels,

Understanding Keyness,

Voyant Tools,

Wordsmith Tools,

Berkley University Library, Digital humanities journals,

Harvard University Library,

National Infrastructure for Language Resources & Technologies Clarin,

Natural Language Processing services - ILSP NLP Web Services,

English and American Literature: Digital Collections and Digital Humanities projects (NYU),

[Source: "Electronic Τext Analysis: new interpretive perspectives" (Titika Dimitroulia, from the presentation in Greek in the Section Information and Educational Material)]

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