Texts and tools

Instructions for using Voyant tools

Those who wish to use voyant tools online will find them here: https://voyant-tools.org/

For those who want to download them to their computer to work locally, the instructions are here: https://digihum.mcgill.ca/voyant/resources/run-your-own/voyant-server/

Instructions for using the tools can be found here: https://voyant-tools.org/docs/#!/guide/tutorial και εδώ: https://sgsinclair.github.io/dialogica/

You can also see the introduction to voyant tools by Geoffrey Rocwell, here: http://apollonis.frl.auth.gr/index.php/el/ekdiloseis/geoffrey-rockwell-hands-on-voyant-tools

A Companion to Digital Humanities

ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, John Unsworth.
Oxford: Blackwell, 2004

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